28 años
Barcelona (Barcelona)
Mi presentación
For more information, call me on WhatsApp! +34 657 60 63 27 What I like; I like serious, determined, clean and healthy people. I like to have sex with pleasure, I'm having real sex! I'm not a machine! ️ I don't have professional or photoshopped photos like many others here because I like to be more real in photos and live also available for overnight, all day, weekend, whole week... I can travel at any time throughout the world Europe. Would you like to have more fun in your life? Let's have a fun vacation together! ABOUT ME: • Very well educated, university degree • Great hygiene and always in a good shape • I love being in the company of a true mature gentleman • I am from high class school and know how to act in high class society What do I I like; I like serious, determined, clean and healthy people. I like to have sex with pleasure, I'm having real sex! I'm not a machine! ️I don't have professional or retouched photos like many others here because I like to be more real in photos and in person. Also available for the whole night, whole day, weekend, whole week... I can travel at any time throughout Europe. Would you like to enjoy your life more? Let's spend a fun vacation together! ABOUT ME: • Very well educated, university degree. • Excellent hygiene and always in good condition. • I love being in the company of a really mature gentleman. • I am a high school student and I know how to behave in high society.
Gabinete Propio / Atiendo en mi casa: Sí
Tarifa en mi Gabinete/Casa: 150
Masaje en Camilla: Sí
Me desplazo a Hotel o Domicilio: Sí
Tarifa Hotel o Domicilio: 200
Atiendo a: Hombres y Mujeres
Mis especialidades: Massagem/ Sexo
Me llamo: Ray
Nacionalidad: Latino
Estoy en: Barcelona (Barcelona)
Móvil: 34657606327
Los 12 Chicos Recomendados:

A veces te es más difícil salir de casa. Por eso los chicos te proponen
ALTERNATIVAS para que puedas jugar con ellos Online, ya seas por WhatsApp, Skype, OnlyFans, CameraBoys.com o Chaturbate.com.
ALTERNATIVAS para que puedas jugar con ellos Online, ya seas por WhatsApp, Skype, OnlyFans, CameraBoys.com o Chaturbate.com.
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